
expyfun.analyze.barplot(h, axis=-1, ylim=None, err_bars=None, lines=False, groups=None, eq_group_widths=False, gap_size=0.2, brackets=None, bracket_text=None, bracket_inline=False, bracket_group_lines=False, bar_names=None, group_names=None, bar_kwargs=None, err_kwargs=None, line_kwargs=None, bracket_kwargs=None, pval_kwargs=None, figure_kwargs=None, smart_defaults=True, fname=None, ax=None)[source]#

Makes barplots w/ optional line overlays, grouping, & signif. brackets.


If h is 2-dimensional, heights will be calculated as means along the axis given by axis. If h is of lower dimension, it is treated as raw height values. If h is a pandas.DataFrame and bar_names is None, bar_names will be inferred from the DataFrame’s column labels (if axis=0) or index labels.


The axis along which to calculate mean values to determine bar heights. Ignored if h is 0- or 1-dimensional.

ylimtuple | None

y-axis limits passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplot.set_ylim.

err_barsstr | array-like | None

Type of error bars to be added to the barplot. Possible values are 'sd' for sample standard deviation, 'se' for standard error of the mean, or 'ci' for 95% confidence interval. If None, no error bars will be plotted. Custom error bar heights are possible by passing an array-like object; in such cases err_bars must have the same dimensionality and shape as h.


Whether to plot within-subject data as lines overlaid on the barplot.

groupslist | None

List of lists containing the integers in range(num_bars), with sub-lists indicating the desired grouping. For example, if h has has shape (10, 4) and axis = -1 then “num_bars” is 4; if you want the first bar isolated and the remaining three grouped, then specify groups=[[0], [1, 2, 3]].


Should all groups have the same width? If False, all bars will have the same width. Ignored if groups is None, since the bar/group distinction is meaningless in that case.


Width of the gap between groups (if eq_group_width is True) or between bars, expressed as a proportion [0,1) of group or bar width. Half the width of gap_size will be added between the outermost bars and the plot edges.

bracketslist of tuples | None

Location of significance brackets. Scheme is similar to the specification of groups; a bracket between the first and second bar and another between the third and fourth bars would be specified as brackets=[(0, 1), (2, 3)]. Brackets between groups of bars instead of individual bars are specified as lists within the tuple: brackets=[([0, 1], [2, 3])] draws a single bracket between group [0, 1] and group [2, 3]. For best results, pairs of adjacent bars should come earlier in the list than non-adjacent pairs.

bracket_textstr | list | None

Text to display above brackets.


If True, bracket text will be vertically centered along a broken bracket line. If False, text will be above the line.


When drawing brackets between groups rather than single bars, should a horizontal line be drawn at each foot of the bracket to indicate this?

bar_namesarray-like | None

Optional axis labels for each bar.

group_namesarray-like | None

Optional axis labels for each group.


Arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.bar() (ex: color, linewidth).


Arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.bar(error_kw) (ex: ecolor, capsize).


Arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() (e.g., color, marker, linestyle).


arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() (e.g., color, marker, linestyle).


Arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.annotate() when drawing bracket labels.


arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.figure() (e.g., figsize, dpi, frameon).


Whether to use pyplot default colors (False), or something more pleasing to the eye (True).

fnamestr | None

Path and name of output file. File type is inferred from the file extension of fname and should work for any of the types supported by pyplot (pdf, eps, svg, png, raw).

axmatplotlib.pyplot.axes | None

A matplotlib.pyplot.axes instance. If None, a new figure with a single subplot will be created.

phandle for the matplotlib.pyplot.subplot instance.
bhandle for the matplotlib.pyplot.bar instance.


Known limitations:
1 Bracket heights don’t get properly set when generating multiple

subplots with sharey=True (matplotlib seems to temporarily force the ylim to +/- 0.6 in this case). Work around is to use sharey=False and manually set ylim for each subplot.

2 Brackets that span groups cannot span partial groups. For example,

if groups=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]] it is impossible to have a bracket at [(0, 1), (3, 4)]… it is only possible to do, e.g., [0, (3, 4)] (single bar vs group) or [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4)] (full group vs full group).

3 Bracket drawing is much better when adjacent pairs of bars are

specified before non-adjacent pairs of bars.

Smart defaults sets the following parameters:

bar color: light gray (70%) error bar color: black line color: black bracket color: dark gray (30%)

Examples using expyfun.analyze.barplot#

Analysis demo

Analysis demo